Four Glasses | BDACT

Four Glasses

A BDACT Feature Production

About The Show

From the twisted mind of popular Southern playwright Marki Shalloe comes this comedy about the thin line between depression and hope. France is a 40-something with an absolute alcoholic mess of a life and a permanent seat at The Lido Deck, her local dive bar.  Can the sordid advice of a questionable bartender and ridiculous trips into her memory give France clarity?  Is it possible to have a path to redemption that isn't straight or direct?  Are France's many problems with money and men caused by her poor choices or were they predestined by her traumatic upbringing?  

4 Glasses comedically addresses very serious issues and adult situations. Due to content and tone, sensitive people may be offended by the content of this production and may wish to avoid it.

After every performance, audience members are welcome to stay for a question and answer session with a trained addiction counselor, the play's director, and others involved in the production. Playwright Marki Shalloe will take part in some of the talkbacks.

Four Glasses contains mature content and is not recommended for young audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.

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Event Date(s)

Sep 5 - 14


Enda Breadon


Megan Boyce


Encore Hall

Approx. Run Time

2 hours

Content Rating


  • Sensitive subject matter and adult themes
Performance on stage

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