Get Involved | BDACT
Cast members on stage

Get Involved

Get Involved at BDACT

Put your different skills to use on-stage or behind the scenes.

Become a Volunteer

Whether it be building sets, popping popcorn, or working the box office, our volunteers have fun while making a difference in our community. Sign up once or for multiple shifts, we have the flexibility for you and your schedule. Everyone plays a significant role here at BDACT and we would not be here without you!


Be a Part of the Show

Everyone at BDACT is proud of the professional-level productions we stage. Attendees often remark about how pleased they were with the show's quality.

We maintain an open audition policy for all productions and welcome involvement from anyone interested in performing arts. Our production team will support you to the best of our ability.

Stage managers, lighting and sound technicians, and other back-stage volunteers also contribute to the on-stage success.

Wizard of Oz cast on stage

Direct a Production

Help BDACT stage a profitable production and earn a modest paycheck for yourself. BDACT's Selection Committee seeks a broad variety of shows to appeal to our regional audiences and relies on directors to bring those shows to life.

Work with the managing director to prepare your show proposal for the Selection Committee. If your proposal is accepted, BDACT will pay the costs associated with your production while supporting you in making it the best it can be. Director's honorariums are a percentage of the profits.

Man teaching students music

Host a Concert, Comedian, or Other Performance

The BDACT Fine Arts Center is a fabulous location for live performances. With state-of-the-art lighting and sound, the Kamps Auditorium has hosted regionally and nationally known entertainers like John McGivern, Asleep at the Wheel, The NEW Dueling Pianos, and more to sell-out crowds.

Prospective event coordinators work with the managing director to prepare an event proposal. If your proposal is accepted by the BDACT Selection Committee, BDACT will help you successfully market and manage the event. You'll earn an event coordinator's honorarium as a percentage of the profits.


Teach a Class at BDACT

Beaver Dam Area Community Theatre (BDACT) provides an engaging and supportive environment for students of all ages to learn and develop core stage skills, build self-confidence, make new friends, and have fun doing it!

We're always looking for new experiences to expand our curriculum and invite interested individuals to work with our managing director to prepare a class proposal for review by the Selection Committee.

If your proposal is accepted, BDACT will pay the costs associated with your class and an honorarium to teachers. BDACT staff also supports your efforts in managing and promoting the class.

Classroom of kids standing in a circle