Mission: Improv-able | BDACT

Mission: Improv-able

March 19th, 2025

Kevin Luebke

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Mission: Improv-able, as an improv show, seems at first glance to not have much happening behind the scenes. It's just improv, right? Jump on stage and make stuff up?

We have to be very intentional about what we use for practice. We need to know how each improv game works, identify who excels in various areas like being a party host who guesses quirks, or singing songs on the spot. We have to build chemistry. All while being careful to never blur the line between practicing the format and rehearsing a scene. 

And that's just the cast! It's also actually a very technical show. We have sound queues for some of the improv games, backing tracks for others, projection that is coordinated to show quirks as a superscript above the stage based on what is being called out from the stage. We chose to use inflatable props so they could be easily swapped; again being careful not to overuse any props and saving some for the show rotation so they're new. When the cast asks, "Wait, new props!?" the answer is always, "Yeah. It's improv!!" Behind the scenes for Mission: Improv-able is all about keeping the shows fresh but fluid!

Kevin Luebke